20 January 2013

Individual Practice: Secret 7" Research

I have sourced images of record sleeves from Pinterest to help with my Secret 7" design. The collection of images I have found are quite diverse, with different styles being used depending on the style of music and the era. I found the jazz era record sleeves to be really inspirational, however because I am designing for the Elton John track, I'm not sure they are very visually relevant, no matter how great they look. The more modern record covers are quite obvious because they use more high impact photography than text or illustration, which works because it becomes iconic in a way, and it is also intriguing to look at something like that, where nothing is really given away. High impact photography or imagery record sleeves are probably the most relevant to this brief as the whole point of Secret 7" is to be subtle and not divulge the title or the artist's name on the cover. In terms of visual style, I am most interested in exploring something similar to the last few record covers I have collected. The Beach Boys cover I like because of the style of illustration, which is something that I have attempted before and really enjoyed. I also love the record cover of the skull made up of legs, which I think is striking and unusual.

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