3 May 2013

Theory into Practice: Booklet Development

These are the 8 spreads that I will be featuring in my booklet. I have now added the text and the titles to the pages which will contextualise the collages and explain to the reader the choice of gender role and how they are represented. I haven't played around with the layout that much in any of the spreads, because I deliberately left enough space for the text and the titles to go in when I was creating my collages. I have also not used any technical grid because of the use of collage and the destruction of visual pleasure being important, it made sense for the text to be as informally laid out as the imagery.

With it being a more academic module, I was worried when I first started writing the booklet about what tone to use and how to write about the films in general, so it has taken me a while to add this text to the layout. I realised in the end that anyone reading this booklet would need to be entertained by it as well as informed, and so i've tried to balance the text so that it's informative as well as comical, with reference made to the theory where appropriate. I also think that because of the light heartedness of the imagery the text needed to be in keeping with that, whilst still pointing out the imbalance in the gender roles. 

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